Thursday, June 20, 2019

Business Communication Trends Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Business Communication Trends Paper - Essay ExampleThe use of these communications is extremely important in creating strong occupation relationships between the business, the customer and connection employees. Discussion Currently, as an Accounts Payable Manager (APM) for a real estate development company, all of the above communications and concepts argon rendered. On a daily basis an APM position is required to act as the go between for the government, the company, and outsourced accountants. These daily tasks are accomplished by maintaining sources of learning (i.e. policies and procedures, financial records, company information records, and incorporated accounting files) and later corresponded to expecting recipients. The ability for the APM to communicate effectively and efficiently within the organization is dire. For the most part an APM requires the availableness of massive amounts of information to perform job duties. This position also has to be able to transmit informa tion to individuals or parties that need it. Without proper job cognitive operation on behalf of the APM, the workplace environment will be deemed inadequate. This issue is derived from the acknowledgement that poor relationships in the workplace account for breakdowns in communication and inability to successfully exchange information within the organization (Smith, p. 1). Based on the ideals of workplace functions and exchanges there are several methods that can be used. An APM utilizes this method when hiring, selecting, training, evaluating, gratifying, and punishing company employees. The position also requires the APM to be readily available to respond to financial concerns for project managers and operations staff. When dealing with individuals on a more personal train in business specific communications are more suitable for utilizing personal interaction. This method is cited as person-to-person or in other haggling involving direct communication or contact between perso ns or parties person-to-person interview person-to-person telephone calls (Person-to-person, p. 1). The correspondence in this situation gives the APM the benefit of version social cues, comprehending the situation, and dissecting dialect. Person-to-person communication is recommended in the case of building positive workplace relationships. According to Margaret Morford, breaking undesirable news face-to-face leaves employees to have urbane their respect for you because they will realize there was an easier way (voice mail or e-mail) that you refused to take,(p. 1). In this case and equally personal cases like these physical correspondence is socially acceptable and expected. APM job responsibilities and capability to readily use technology as a form of communication is necessary to avoid unfortunate outcomes. Based on effective workplace functions there is much to be respected from the use of technology. Organizations are capable of allocating managerial duties to lower level as sociates and outsourcing companies while maintaining the structure of bounteous business with the use of todays technologies. Using sms/mms, instant message, email, and all other available data transfer equipment (i.e. fax machines, etc.) companies are able to decentralize. much importantly these methods are less costly and present an APM with the ability to efficiently transfer any files or messages that

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